Resources by Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Displaying 21 - 30 of 67
This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.
Hormones and Their Effects
This resource from the ABPI introduces students to the major endocrine glands, and hormone function in puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and growth. Specific examples include insulin, adrenaline, ADH, and plant hormones.
- ...
Infectious Diseases - Diseases
Produced by the ABPI, this interactive resource allows students to find out about a range of infectious diseases. Each are clearly explained, with causes and symptoms, and a quiz helps tests students' understanding of the topics covered. Diseases are:
- Influenza
Infectious Diseases - Immunity
This is an interactive resource produced by the ABPI. In the resource, students can find out about how the human immune system tackles infectious diseases. The resource describes how antigens identify foreign pathogens and the immune response that is produced. Animations illustrate processes such as antigen-...
Infectious Diseases - Medicines
Produced by the ABPI, this interactive resource allows students to find out about how infectious diseases are treated with modern medicines. It covers topics such as:
- Antiseptics
- Antibiotics and resistance
- Developing medicines
- ...
Infectious Diseases - Pathogens
This is an interactive resource produced by the ABPI. In the resource, students can find out about mico-organisms and how they cause disease. There are sections on bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. Each section contains details on the micro-organism's structure and examples of the diseases they cause.
...Infectious Diseases - Timeline
Produced by the ABPI, this interactive resource looks at developments in our understanding of infectious diseases and how this has changed over time. From vaccination by Edward Jenner, to the present day, advances in knowledge are illustrated. Sections in the resource include:
- Jenner and vaccination...
Laboratory Tours: Safety at Work
This resource was produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) as part of their 'At Work With Science' materials. In this interactive resource, students are introduced to the legal aspects of the Health and Safety regulations; the concept of risk assessments and how to develop them....
Life enhancing careers: careers for scientists in the pharmaceutical industry
This careers leaflet from the APBI looks at the many careers options available in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops and supplies new medicines to prevent and treat illnesses. To achieve this, it employs
talented and dedicated scientists who work together in...
Scientists can work in a wide variety of roles in the pharmaceutical industry. This leaflet unfolds to form a poster showing some of the roles that science qualifications can lead to.