Resources by cre8ate maths
Displaying 51 - 60 of 70
Rigid Structures
This activity from Cre8ate maths looks at the exciting mathematics connected with the regeneration going on in our cities. The three activities are based around the construction of rigid structures and provide opportunities for practical work and mathematical problem...
Running a Club
These Cre8ate maths activities draw on the mathematics of combinatorial thinking and involve a set of functional maths activities.
Running Tracks
This Cre8ate maths activity gives the opportunity for accurate measurement, scale drawing and calculations involving pi. If there is access to a running track, students look at how the track is marked out and distances measured accurately for runners in each of the lanes. Alternatively, if a track is not available...
These cre8ate maths materials have been designed to support the teaching of mathematics at Key Stage Three, but can be used at Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four, in the context of a beauty salon.
Sort It Out
These Cre8ate maths activities demand logical and multi-stage thinking. This topic also supports the development of personal, learning and thinking skills.
This Cre8ate maths activity draws on measuring stretchiness which involves the collection of real data, calculating percentages and experimental design. This resource models one way in which engineers use their knowledge of mathematics to investigate the properties of materials. Here students investigate the...
Supermarket Car Parks
These activities from Cre8ate maths explore the efficient use of space in car parks. These are two-dimensional ‘best fit’ problems which require logic and a systematic approach to find effective solutions. They give students the chance to devise and test out strategies using systematic trial-and-improvement...
The Greenest Route
This Cre8ate maths activity deals with the external costs of transport which affect society but which are not paid for by the transport users who cause them. Road, rail, air and water are compared. Mathematical connections involve working on inverse proportion, conversion calculations, compound percentage change...
Tiling Patterns
Cre8ate maths provides these activities which investigate the tessellation of regular polygons and its application in construction. Initially students identify which regular polygons tessellate, providing the opportunity to discuss the interior angles of polygons and...
Vedic Maths 1
This set of Cre8ate maths activities requires students to work with the multiplication tables, to calculate digital roots and to observe and interpret patterns. The Tiling from the square worksheet two also involves them in working with reflection. This topic and Vedic maths two explore the ancient laws of Vedic...