Resources by cre8ate maths
Displaying 21 - 30 of 70
This Cre8ate maths activity allows the opportunity to discuss the modelling function of mathematics. The tasks allow students to develop their own strategies and to consider the idea of an ‘efficient’ algorithm. In addition, 'First fit and full bins' activity involves work on ratio and pie charts.
These cre8ate maths materials have been designed to teach mathematics at Key Stage Three, but can be used at Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four, in the context of food and drink. The resources include Boxes and Bottles, Going Bananas, Minimise or Supersize, Packaging and What’s In Your Bowl? The activities provide an...
Getting On
This set of Cre8ate maths activities requires pupils to interact with a variety of data sets and to use logical thinking skills to interpret what they find. Providing for the old also involves interpreting scales, calculations and consideration of ratio and proportion.
A range materials provided by cre8ate maths to support the teaching of mathematics at Key Stage Three, but can be used at Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four, in the context of transport. The resources include More Miles For Your Money, Ordering, The Greenest Route and Working for Efficiency.
Going Bananas
In this Cre8ate maths topic students work out what a portion size looks like, find out whether they are eating enough fruit and vegetables and compare the costs of making and buying smoothies. In How much is in a portion, students estimate weights of fruit and vegetables then weigh each item and calculate their...
These materials have been provided by Cre8ate maths to support the teaching of mathematics in the context of agriculture. The resources include Building Silos, Growing More, Helicopter Seeds and Rabbits. Through this context students are involved in a variety of activities which include measuring the volume of a...
Growing More
This rich task from Cre8ate introduces students to a Latin Square, where each row and each column has all the variables once and only once. Students may be aware of Sudoku puzzles which are based on this scenario. They are challenged to find 12 different designs which...
Hair and Beauty
This resource from Cre8ate maths is designed to help students develop their understanding of the data handling cycle. Initially students will match 14 questions with their answers, prompting discussion as some are not relevant to the topic and others could have multiple answers, but there is only one way to...
Hand Eye Coordination
This hand eye co-ordination activity from Cre8ate maths involves the collection of real data, hypothesis testing and scatter graphs. The extensions may also include the use of a variety of averages. Health professionals often have to assess a wide variety of attributes including hand eye co-ordination. This topic...
These cre8ate maths materials have been designed to support the teaching of mathematics at Key Stage Three, but can be used at Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four, in the context of health and social care. The resources consist of Accessible Spaces, Classroom Olympics and Getting On.