Resources by cre8ate maths

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Classroom Olympics

These Cre8ate maths activities require the use of averages, ranges, percentages, histograms, stem and leaf displays, pie charts, and tables to make comparisons, interpretations, and conclusions. They also provide real data about pupils for analysis. Performing the “How far can you …?” events in the classroom will...


This Cre8ate maths activity requires students to calculate areas of polygons and to appreciate the link with volumes of prisms. It may also involve detailed exploration of similarity.

Cre8 Salon

This Cre8ate maths activity draws on research which has indicated that many trainees / school leavers who are employed in vocational positions struggle with the numeracy skills needed in the workplace. Cre8 salon is a series of flexible activities that are designed to simulate some of the challenges of work in the...

cre8ate maths

The cre8ate maths project was a CPD initiative for Yorkshire and Humberside teachers of mathematics. It features resources applying maths to key areas of the economy focusing on functional mathematics skills for Key Stage Three students. The project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and the...

Cre8ate Maths: Digital Design - Programming

These Cre8ate maths activities are provided to introduce students to the fundamental processes involved in programming a computer. Students are given drawings, along with the Logo commands which have been used and, by...

Crystal Shapes 1

This activity from Cre8ate maths explores the rotational symmetry of carefully chosen crystals. Initially students work with plain and coloured nets of cubes may use trial and improvement methods to find different possible rotations of symmetry, before exploring ways to be systematic in their investigation. For...

Crystal Shapes 2

This activity from Cre8ate maths explores Platonic solids, which are formed from regular polygons where all their faces are identical and all their vertices are identical too. Students are told that there are only five platonic solids, which they can build using triangles, squares and pentagons. Completing the...

Designing Logos

In this activity from Cre8ate maths students are encouraged to experiment with different kinds of symmetry to create a suitable logo.

There is an exercise in using symmetrical properties to reproduce previously designed logos and this activity is complemented by Creating a logo, which gives students a free...

Digital Design

The Cre8ate maths project has provided a set of materials to support the teaching of mathematics in the context of digital design. The resources include Designing Logos, Maths in Art, Programming and Working with Photos, which will involve students in a variety of activities, allowing them to apply their...

Eco Tourism

These Cre8ate maths activities involve complex analysis of information, a variety of calculations and the need to handle mixture of units, moving between grams, kilograms and tonnes. These activities are designed to give pupils an insight into the relative cost to the environment of travel and to highlight ways in...


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