Resources by The Salters' Chemistry Club

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Blue Glow

In this demonstration, a colourless liquid and a blue liquid when mixed together emit a blue chemiluminescent glow. Light sticks are devices that produce a 'coolight' by means of a similar chemical reaction.

Cannon Fire

This demonstration shows the oxidisation of hydrogen peroxide using ethanol and potassium permanganate. An exciting illustration of energy changes, the sound of these substances reacting with each other sounds like cannon fire.

Chemiluminescent Ammonia Fountain

This is a dramatic demonstration of chemiluminesence. When a small amount of water is injected into the flask containing ammonia, the ammonia dissolves. The reduction in pressure causes two solutions to be simultaneously drawn into and mixed in the inverted flask. This should produce a bright blue luminescent...


This demonstration shows how a mixture of hydrogen and air becomes explosive.

The initial pop is probably caused by a small portion of the hydrogen leaking out, mixing with the air immediately above the hole and forming a minute combustible mixture.

As more hydrogen escapes through the top hole, it...

Gas Explosion

This demonstration illustrates the explosive nature of gas/air mixtures. The gas used in laboratory Bunsen burners (methane) normally burns with a blue or yellow flame. However, mixtures with air explode when the concentration of the methane is between 5 and 15%.

Howling Jelly Baby

In this demonstration, the carbohydrate in the jelly baby is oxidised by the molten potassium chlorate(V). The jelly baby ignites and burns furiously with a high pitched roar, showing that food stuffs provide energy.

The activities in this collection were designed to inspire curiosity in students in an informal setting. The activities are organised by level of demand.

This collection contains some basic activities for an informal chemistry club.

This collection contains some basic to intermediate level activities for an informal chemistry club.

This collection contains a selection of demonstrations for an informal chemistry club.


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