Resources by Inquiry Maths

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 16

24 x 21 = 42 x 12

This seemingly simple prompt leads to a rich task which students can explore in a variety of ways.

Lesson notes 1...

40% of 70 = 70% of 40

This seemingly simple prompt leads to a rich task that can be developed in a number of different ways.

Lesson notes...


This collection from Inquiry Maths contains four algebra themed prompts covering linear sequences, solving equations, simultaneous equations and distance – time graphs. Each seemingly simple prompt is designed to intrigue students, leading to a rich mathematical task that can be explored in a variety of ways...

Distance - Time Graph Inquiry

This resource from Inquiry Maths explores the interpretation of distance-time graphs.

Distance-time graph...

Equal Areas Inquiry

This resource from Inquiry Maths is designed to encourage students to explore relationships between the areas of different shapes. 

Equal areas contains the prompt showing a diagram containing rectangles, triangles and circles and asks whether their areas can be the same. There are suggested...


This collection from Inquiry Maths contains three geometry themed prompts covering surface area of a cuboid, areas of squares and circles and shapes with equal areas. Each seemingly simple prompt is designed to intrigue students, leading to a rich mathematical task that can be explored in a variety of ways...

Inequalities Inquiry

This inquiry prompt contains the following mathematical statements:

43 + 21 > 12 + 34

432 + 1 > 123 + 4


Inquiry Maths

Inquiry maths is a model of teaching that encourages students to regulate their own activity while exploring a mathematical statement called a prompt. Inquiries can involve a class on diverse paths of exploration or in listening to a teacher's exposition. In inquiry maths, students take responsibility for directing...

Intersecting Linear Sequences

This resource from Inquiry Maths investigates the connections between linear sequences.

Intersecting linear sequences...


This collection from Inquiry Maths contains five number themed prompts covering multiplication, fractions, percentages, inequalities and ratio. Each seemingly simple prompt is designed to intrigue students, leading to a rich mathematical task that can be explored in a variety of ways providing students with the...


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