Resources by ACME

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ACME Position Statement on Qualifications in Mathematics at Level 3 from 2011

Produced on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) in 2009 by Roger Porkess, this is a position statement on Qualifications in Mathematics at Level 3 from 2011.

The report outlines twelve recommendations on the scope and format of assessment of mathematics at level 3 available to...

Beginning teaching: best in class? High-quality initial teacher education for all teachers of mathematics in England

In this report, ACME considers the quality of initial teacher education and gives advice on how to ensure that trainees leave Initial Teacher Education (ITE) effectively equipped to begin their teaching careers in mathematics classrooms throughout England.

The report seeks to address a number of key...

Beginning teaching: best in class? High-quality initial teacher education for all teachers of mathematics in England

This ACME report, from 2015, looks at what high-quality initial teacher education (ITE) for teachers of mathematics should look like.

Robert Barbour, Chair of the ACME ITE Working Group said at the time of publication: 'Everyone is in agreement that improving the mathematical skills of young people in...

Continuing Professional Development for Teacher of Mathematics

Provided by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), this resource was written in 2002. It includes recommendations on the steps to be taken, at that time, to raise the quality of mathematical provision in schools. Concerns regarding the poor uptake of students continuing to study mathematics at Post...

The Royal Statistical Society and the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education collaborated on this project in recognition that statistics is increasingly important for a range of subjects for the 14-19 age group, in further and higher education and in employment. This report presents findings from analysis of...

Embedding Statistics at A level: a report on statistical requirements and assessment across A level courses in Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology and Sociology

This collaborative project by the Royal Statistical Society and the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education presents findings from an analysis of statistics in five recently reformed A levels in England. The aim of the report was to investigate whether the recent reforms will result in improvements in the...

Empowering Teachers: Success for Learners

There is widespread agreement about the importance of mathematics for individuals and for wider society. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) believes that all students should receive high quality mathematics teaching from teachers who are themselves professional learners. A world-class education...

Ensuring a High Quality, Localised Infrastructure for the CPD of Maths Teachers

The purpose of the study, produced by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) was to inform the establishment of the planned National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), but it is also hoped that this report of the study will be viewed as a useful contribution to the on-...

Ensuring Effective CPD for Teachers of Mathematics in Primary Schools

A policy report produced by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education which argues that the key issues for the future of primary mathematics learning and teaching can only be addressed in primary schools if there is suitable provision of continuing professional development (CPD). In view of this, ACME...

Mathematical Needs

In 2009, the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), who provide these resources, embarked on the Mathematical Needs Project to investigate how both the national needs and the individual needs of students, from age five to nineteen in England, could be met by a curriculum, delivery policy and...


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