Resources by Cassell Publishers Ltd

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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

The Book of Inventions is a painstakingly researched encyclopaedia of inventions. It provides the dates, the details and the stories of how we gained some of the things we now take for granted.

Every possible...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Aiming to support teachers in the day-to-day practice of teaching and assessing science, this book examines the nature of the subject and how children learn it and suggests what teachers can do to help pupils develop...

This book describes the history of mathematics and documents the subject's development from the ancient Babylonian calculations to the proof of modularity theorem. It...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.


This book is intended for pupils who are working towards an external examination in Environmental Science.


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