Resources by University of the West of England (Bristol)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 13
DRY: Diary of a water superhero
This book and accompanying teacher guide focus on the story of a young girl and her passion for saving water. The story follows the journey of an ordinary schoolgirl in the UK, who transforms into a water superhero when a DRY summer is followed by a DRY winter. The teacher guide provides eight linked activities...
Meet the Gene Machine
Supported by the Wellcome Trust and developed by the Science Communication Unit at the University of the West of England, Meet the Gene Machine is a fun, creative and comprehensive teaching package allowing teachers and young people to discuss the ethical and social issues inherent in the field of genetics. Each '...
This collection, developed by The University of the West of England, contains ten comics and investigations related to materials and their properties. They are designed to promote the teaching of scientific enquiry in an engaging and inventive way. Follow central character Selenia from an alien planet where they...
Selenia and the Crazy Football Game
Learn about the cooling down of liquids and thermal insulators in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on making predictions before carrying out an investigation on how quickly a hot liquid...
Selenia and the Smelly Lunchtime
Learn about the properties of gases in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote scientific enquiry, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on how to plan and carry out an investigation when considering which materials are good at...
Selenia and the Stone Cage
Learn about the properties of materials in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on making careful observations when testing the hardness of materials.
...Selenia and the Victorian Adventure *suitable for home teaching*
Learn about the forces of air resistance and gravity in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote scientific enquiry, it includes an air resistance investigation to find which is the best shape and size for a parachute. It also focuses on asking...
Selenia in Escaping From Dinosaurs
Learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills, it contains a linked investigation which focuses on planning and evaluating evidence when investigating how to create...
Selenia in Homeward Bound
Learn about thermal insulators and changing state in this colourful comic aimed at Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on planning and carrying out a fair test to investigate which materials are the best insulators.
...Selenia in the Dead Sea Adventure
Learn about the properties of solids and liquids and dissolving in this colourful comic aimed at students in Key Stage Two. Written to promote enquiry skills in a context, it focuses on planning investigative work and evaluating evidence before carrying out an...