Resources by Generation Logistics

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 34

1D and 2D barcodes

This resource introduces pupils to the uses of 1D barcodes and 2D barcodes (Quick response or QR codes). Pupils are asked to research the 2 types of barcodes, their advantages and disadvantages. They are then directed to websites to create their own 1D and 2D barcodes. The tasks in the resource could be used in...

Balanced or unbalanced forces?

This resource asks pupils to apply their knowledge of forces, resultant forces and the affect of forces on the motion of an object. The first task checks pupils' ability to be able to interpret force arrows to describe qualitatively the motion of a lorry and calculate the resultant force.  Pupils are then asked to...

Chemical and physical changes in a lorry

This resource asks pupils to apply their knowledge of physical and chemical changes to the context of a lorry travelling in cold conditions. The first task checks pupils' knowledge about physical and chemical change and gets them to organise their thoughts using a Frayer-model. Pupils are then asked to identify...

Data Handling - Lorry value

This task is a real-world example of how spreadsheets can be utilised effectively to simplify data handling and calculation tasks.

Pupils are provided with information about the number of items being transported in a lorry and their individual value. Pupils have to create a spreadsheet to calculate the total...

Data handling - stock control

This task is a real-world example of how spreadsheets can be utilised effectively to simplify data handling and calculation tasks.

Pupils are provided with information about the numbers of items in stock in a warehouse and the weekly sales of the items over a month. This task requires pupils to add the stock...

Describing the journey of a cargo ship from a distance-time graph

This resource provides a series of activities which develop pupils' skills interpreting distance-time graphs and using them to calculate the speed of an object. The initial task ask pupils to interpret a distance-time graph qualitatively which is followed by a quick quiz to check pupils understanding of distance,...

Describing the motion of a warehouse robot from a velocity-time graph

This resource provides a series of activities which develop pupils' skills interpreting velocity-time graphs and using them to calculate the acceleration of an object. The initial task ask pupils to interpret a velocity-time graph qualitatively which is followed by a quick quiz to check pupils understanding of ...

Energy stores and transfers

This resource asks pupils to apply their knowledge of energy stores and transfers to different contexts to identify the energy stores and transfers taking place. The first task checks pupils' knowledge about energy stores and transfer.  Pupils are then asked to identify the energy stores from various images and the...

Everything you ever wanted to know about logistics careers

This engaging and well thought-out booklet highlights the wide variety of careers and job roles available in the logistics and transportation industries. It is full of useful information and guidance to help pupils make decisions about their future subject and course choices and how these lead into future job roles...

Generation Logistics is an initiative from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transportation to demonstrate to students and teachers the relevance of the logistics industry to their lives and the wide variety of career opportunities available.

The resources contained within this collection apply real-...


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