Resources by Open Air Laboratories (OPAL)
Displaying 21 - 30 of 30
How Polluted?
This field study resource pack encourages students to act as environmental scientists to assess the ‘health’ of a heathland habitat. The resource contains three separate activities that students can complete, depending on the time available and suitability of the site:
• Measuring nitrogen pollution in the...
Introduction to Lowland Heathlands
This resource is an interactive activity which aims to provide an introduction to the lowland heathland habitat. The five topics relating to lowland heathlands covered by the resources include: • The biotic components of lowland heathlands, focusing on plants • The biotic components of lowland heathlands, focusing...
Mapping for Climate Change
This field study encourages students to investigate the vegetation in a lowland heathland habitat and to use a GPS unit to map habitat fragments. Students could also make management decisions, deciding where to place habitat corridors to help prepare for the possible effects of climate change.
Nitrogen Deposition and Heathlands
The main aim of this resource is for students to understand the impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen pollution on heathland plant communities. The resource provides practical, scientific investigations without the need to organise a field trip.
The resource is divided into three separate activities:
These resources are produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), whose aim is to encourage communities to work on local nature projects with an aim of improving the environment. They are designed for use outside the classroom in a local wildlife area, but also contain follow up ideas for use in the classroom. This...
This collection consists of six field work investigations which relate to the curriculum areas habitats, interdependence and adaptation and the environment. Each survey includes a workbook, field guide and identification guide where appropriate.
The surveys are:
* Bugs Count - what bugs are living...
Pony Grazing
This field study encourages students to act as environmental scientists to compare two heathlands one of which has been grazed, one of which has not. Students use the data collected to decide which heathland is better in terms of the plant species present, especially heathers, and soil chemistry.
Soil and Earthworm Survey - Which Earthworms Are Living in Your Local Area?
Find out more about earthworms and the soil they live in by observing and counting earthworms and analysing soil. The survey should take around sixty minutes. This resource fits in with topics on animals in the local environment, habitats and improving the environment and could be used for all ages. Included in the...
Water Survey - What Creatures Are Lurking in Your Pond?
This resource investigates the pollution of a local pond or lake by looking at the species which are able to live in it. Some species struggle to survive in polluted waters, while others are more tolerant. The resource may be used when teaching about animals in the local environment, habitats, water and improving...
What to Conserve?
With the increasing pressure of a growing human population it is becoming increasingly difficult to conserve natural habitats. Ultimately, not every green space can be afforded conservation protection. This field study encourages students to act as environmental scientists to compare different habitats and decide...
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