Resources by Dan Mayer

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Displaying 41 - 50 of 78

Nana's lemonade

Act 1

A lemon wedge is squeezed into a small glass. A...

Nana's paint mixup

Act 1

A person receives a text message to mix some paint...


Act 1

A picture is shown of a scale model of Neptune. The...

Obscure geometry

A video is shown of a square with its diagonals marked. The resulting regions are, of course, 25% of the whole square. A motion graphic shows one of the diagonals sliding down a side to rest at the mid-point. What percentage of the whole is each region?

This is an adaptation of a print-based task designed by...

Pain relief

Act 1

A picture is shown some packs of pain relief tablets...

Partial products

There are three pictures given of multipacks of food. In each case, some items have been removed from the multipack, and the shopper wishes to purchase the quantities left. The prices are given for a full multipack for each product. What is the total grocery bill?

Penny circle

Act 1

A small circle is shown being filled with penny coins...

This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘percentages and fractions’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two:...

Pixel pattern

Act 1

A video clip shows the growth of a pattern created...

Pizza doubler

Act 1

An image is shown of a pizza slice. There are two...


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