Resources by ScratchJr - DevTech Research Group, Lifelong Kindergarten Group, Playful Invention Company

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KS1 Programming 2

Welcome to the second KS1 Programming page. Here you will find a series of eight short activities split into four sessions. All the...

Scratch junior

ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young students to create their own interactive stories and games. Students snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Students can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds,...

Session 1 - Basic Movement

Our first activities introduce your child/ren to:...

Session 2 - Sun and the Moon

This week's activities allow your child/ren to: ...

Session 3 - Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

This week your child/ren will learn how to:...

Session 4 - Party Time

These activitites let children:...

Session 5 - Let's Talk

The final activity allows your child/ren to:...

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