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Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Physics (9PH0)

Sample assessment materials

First teaching from September 2015

First certification from 2017


Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Physics (9PH0) Specification

First teaching from September 2015

First certification from 2017

The Edexcel AS and...

The Edexcel AS and A level Lab Books support students in completing the A level Core Practical requirements.

This lab book includes:  

  • all the instructions students need to perform the Core Practicals, consistent with our A level online teaching resources  
  • writing frames for students...

The Edexcel AS and A level Lab Books support students in completing the A level Core Practical requirements.

This lab book includes:  

  • all the instructions students need to perform the Core Practicals, consistent with our A level online teaching resources  
  • writing frames for students...


The Edexcel AS and A level Lab Books support students in completing the A level Core Practical...

Edexcel A2 biology is Edexcel's own support material for a concept-led approach to delivering the Edexcel A2 biology specification. It promotes success through engaging and motivating students resources, facilitates...

This book covers all 22 units of the specification giving learners everything they need to know in one textbook, and allowing tutors to tailor the course around their learners needs and interests.


Save planning time: schemes of work and lesson plans help teachers make the most of their planning time. Teachers can use them as they stand or edit them to suit their needs.

The essential companion to the...


Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: AS and A level


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