Resources by Learning Matters Ltd

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This quick reference guide will help teachers feel confident and secure with the key terms and concepts used in teaching and learning science in primary schools.

It includes concise descriptions of all the...

Achieving QTS

This series guides trainee secondary teachers through the teaching requirements for initial teacher training and the Professional Standards for Qualified Teacher Status (...

All trainee teachers hoping to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) need to pass a computerised numeracy skills test. The test is designed to ensure they have a sound grasp of numeracy skills such as mental arithmetic...

This course book has been written specifically to help trainee primary teachers develop a secure knowledge and understanding of mathematics.

It addresses the subject knowledge requirements as set out in the...

This course book has been written specifically to help trainee primary teachers develop a secure knowledge and understanding of mathematics. It addresses the initial teacher training national curriculum subject knowledge requirements for primary mathematics, making clear the links with the students' national...

This course book is an invaluable guide to teaching mathematics in the primary classroom. It is designed for all trainees working towards achieving QTS and thus makes specific links to the initial teacher training National Curriculum as well as the pupils' National Curriculum and the National Numeracy Strategy....

This book addresses the pedagogical requirements as set out in the professional standards for qualified teacher Status and will be an invaluable guide to all trainees working towards achieving QTS.

It covers...


Assessment is central to teaching and learning, yet is one of the most difficult areas of professional practice. This book guides trainee secondary teachers through its complexities and provides practical strategies...

This practical guide to children's common errors and misconceptions in mathematics is ideal for anyone training to teach 4-11 year old children and keen to gain a deeper understanding of the difficulties children...


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