Resources by Economic & Social Research Council - UKRI
Displaying 1 - 10 of 32
Addiction: Teenage Kicks - the Debate Rages on
This school briefing, from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), gives the facts about drink, drugs and alcohol addiction amongst teenagers and young people. Despite, media stories about famous people struggling with their addictions, drug use, smoking and drinking is increasing and death rates are...
This opinion piece was written by an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded researcher to provoke debate and discussion about the issue of ageing. The piece was written for the Debating Matters competition, which the ESRC sponsors, and discusses vital questions about whether extending the human lifespan...
Alcohol: the Spirit of Friendship
This resource, from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), looks at worrying studies into young people's drinking habits. Studies have looked at how and why excessive drinking has become a normal part of life for many young people and the psychological pressures put upon people to drink alcohol,...
Britain at a Glance
These two Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) pages give statistics and key facts about the British population in 2007 and 2008. These statistics give a picture of the UK's population growth rates and age distribution, percentages of ethnic minorities, where we live and work, our income and spending habits...
Carbon Emissions
This opinion piece addresses the question "China and India are right to resist binding emissions targets" and was written to provoke debate and discussion about the issue of carbon emissions. It was written by an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded researcher, for the Debating Matters competition....
Case Study: the Family, Continuity and Change
This resource presents a case study showing how one project used qualitative and quantitative methods of research to discover how much families have changed over the decades since the 1960s. The case study shows how ethnographic research, studying people in their own environment, is conducted. Data gathered...
Do Models Need to Be Thin to Sell Moisturiser?
This Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) school briefing looks at the effectiveness of advertising and whether it really is necessary for advertisers to use very thin models to sell their products. Counter to this view, research shows that women are just as likely to buy a product if the model is of average...
This collection of resources from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) gives support materials for teachers in schools, helping to provoke debate and discussions and providing useful statistics about the UK population. The materials can be used to explore aspects of mathematics, psychology and health as...
Ethics: Participants' Interests, Confidentiality and Consent
This resource looks at research ethics and the importance of confidentiality in research projects. Researchers must be aware of ethical issues and the effects that their research can have on research participants. The information sheet raises questions that can be debated in classroom lessons and encourages young...
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has produced sets of facts and figures about various aspects of life in Britain. The statistics give a picture of our society and show how mathematics has applications in the study of other subjects. * Where would social science be without maths? - A poster and...