Resources by Environment Agency
Displaying 1 - 10 of 13
This series of resources have been created to highlight to pupils the importance of water in society. The water cycle activity introduces pupils to the concept of the water cycle and the science involved, whilst 'How much water do we waste?' is an investigation where pupils measure the volume of water used when...
This series of resources has been created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors to teach pupils about the importance of biodiversity for all living creatures including humans...
This series of resources have been created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors to teach pupils about the impact of climate change on flooding. They also highlight the role of the Environment Agency in mitigating the effects of flooding and the...
This collection of resources for primary and secondary aged pupils have been created to inspire pupils about topics linked to the work of the Environment Agency such as water, biodiversity and the impact of climate change. ...
How can Stemville improve its biodiversity?
This activity highlights...
How much water do we waste?
This activity, created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors with the help of a teacher, has been designed to make pupils realise how much water they are wasting. Pupils will carry out an investigation where they...
Riverside Explorer is an interactive educational CD-ROM specially developed by the Environment Agency to enable schools in England and Wales to use River Habitat Survey (RHS) data. It has five modules, an illustrated glossary and teaching aids, including example case studies. A simplified form of the RHS database...
Should we rewild Britain?
This resource highlights the...
The water cycle
This activity, created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors with the help of a teacher, provides the opportunity for pupils to learn about the water cycle. Pupils are introduced to the water cycle by asking them to...
There will be rain
This activity introduces the idea that climate change is leading to a greater risk of flooding due to higher levels of rainfall in a short period of time. The main part of the activity is a design challenge for the pupils highlighting how...