Resources by Enslow Publishers Inc

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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Presents several science experiments and project ideas about weather.

This book presents several easy-to-do science experiments about animals and animal behavior.

Robert Gardner guides the reader to make his own laboratory with simple materials and household substances.

This book contains experiments that aim to answer questions like does mass change when water freezes? What is the source of the gas in a seltzer tablet? Ideas for science fair projects are also...

This book explores the science of and careers in paleontology using several examples of real-life scientists.

Presents science projects and experiments using the fish tank, introducing refraction, reflection, surface tension, and pressure.

Describes how to build a crime lab out of everyday materials so that things like fingerprints and handwriting can be analysed.

Explores the science of and careers in forensics using several examples of real-life scientists.

Explores different careers in the Antarctic using examples of real scientists in the field--Provided by publisher.

Teaches the scientific method with experiments about life science.


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