Key stage one photocopiables: handling data

These books are designed to work alongside any maths programme and to involve and inform parents so that their help becomes a routine part of childrens' mathematical education.The "Impact" maths materials have been tested rigorously and used with great success in 43 Local Education Authorities.

Each book contains practical activities on specific maths concepts that can be undertaken at home with adults. Each activity comprises a note to the parents/carers explaining the purpose of the activity plus a response slip to be completed and returned to the teacher.

Teachers' notes explain the maths concepts, suggests ways that the tasks might be undertaken at home and gives ideas for extension activities. This book has links with the National Curriculum plus notes on the relevance of the activities to the Scottish and Northern Ireland educational programmes.

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Author(s)Jo Saxelby-Jennings
Age5-7, 7-11
Published by
Shelf referenceA 372.7 IMP
Direct URL

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