
Longman Science 11-14 offers an approach to Key Stage 3 with separate textbooks for biology, chemistry and physics.;It covers the revised National Curriculum requirements for Science up to and including Level 7, making it suitable for teachers who wish to teach the three sciences as separate subjects. It includes all the material needed for pupils taking the Common Entrance Examinations.

There is a separate Teachers' Guide to accompany each of the textbooks. These show the links between the three books, thereby enabling teachers to have a co-ordinated course. To encourage students to think about experimental design in the spirit of New Attainment Target 1, a series of open-ended "explorations" has been included in each book.

There are suggestions or instructions for a large number of practical activities which should enhance laboratory skills. Social, economic, environmental and technological issues are introduced through a series of background reading passages and questions in each text.

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Author(s)J L Lewis, G E Foxcroft
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Shelf referenceA 530 LEW
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