Science year 9: activities

This series, in which a teachers' guide and activity sheets are available to complement the pupils' text, aims to offer a broad and balanced science course for 13-14-year-olds in which structured units are linked together by broader topics across the sciences. The series is intended for use with the Nuffield Co-ordinated Sciences and the MEG syllabus.

The course is timed to be taught in 15 per cent of curriculum time over 30 weeks. Year 9 bridges the gap between Nuffield Science 11-13 and Nuffield Co-ordinated Science and the course meets the attainment targets set by the National Curriculum for assessment at age 14 - Key Stage 3.

The activity sheets are a set of black and white copymasters for photocopying within the purchasing institution and are designed to develop practical skills through the activities and laboratory skills which are suggested. The skills of recording and analyzing data are encouraged and the drawing and interpretation of diagrams aims to encourage the use of manipulative skills and understanding.

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Author(s)David Barlex
Age11-14, 14-16
Published by
Shelf referenceA 507.12 NUF
Direct URL

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