- View more resources from this publisherThe Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR)
Future forests
Empower your learners to consider the causes, effects and solutions of key issues surrounding climate change using this series of lessons.
There are two parts to the Future forest resources. During part A, learners will work together to create a ‘solution tree’ that can be added to our digital woodland. Emphasis is placed on group work and presentation skills.
Learning objectives:
- Identify the causes of key climate issues that are affecting forests globally.
- Describe the effects of key climate issues that are affecting forests globally.
- Apply your knowledge to identify and evaluate potential solutions to key climate issues affecting forests globally.
During part B, students will work together to identify and pitch a solution addressing a key climate change issue. Emphasis is placed on group work and presentation skills.
Learning objectives:
- Identify solutions to key climate change issues affecting forested landscapes.
- Apply your understanding to create an engaging pitch to suit a specific audience.
- Evaluate the impact of your pitch and reflect on how you could improve it further.
In the run up to COP30, taking place in Brazil in November 2025, The Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) are encouraging education settings to take part in these activities, internationally. In lesson 3 (share and reflect) of these activities, students can deliver their BIFoR Future Forest pitch, before summarising it as a written message to be displayed during COP30 and beyond. More details about how to get in involved in sharing your message to COP30, are available here from the BIFoR website.
The three minute pitch example
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Future forests lesson plan 1: explore 160.09 KB
Future forests lesson plan 2: develop 156.44 KB
Future forests lesson 1: explore 25.59 MB
Future forests lesson 2: develop 34.04 MB
Future forests project planning sheet 801.04 KB
Future forests handout sheets 73.76 KB
Future forests peer assessment sheet 689.56 KB
Future forests pitch peer feedback sheet 696.21 KB