- View more resources from this publisherScratchJr - DevTech Research Group, Lifelong Kindergarten Group, Playful Invention Company
Session 2 - Sun and the Moon
This week's activities allow your child/ren to:
3. Make the Sun set - children learn how to make something disappear.
4. Make the Moon rise - children find out how to add a new page to change a scene.
Please see the activity card for all the instructions needed. Each activity card can be printed or viewed online at https://www.scratchjr.org/teach/activities.
No device to use? Try an 'unplugged' activity (no tech needed, other than a printer!):
Print the pictures of the Scratch Jr blocks. Cut out and arrange them to complete activities 3 and 4.
Can you predict what the character (sprite) will do? Use the guides so you know what each block does.
No printer? Try drawing the pictures of the blocks you think you will need for activities 3 and 4.
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Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. This means that procedures reflect general practice and standards applicable at the time resources were produced and cannot be assumed to be acceptable today. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Activity Card 3 - Make The Sun Set 842.22 KB
ScratchJr Block Descriptions 195.76 KB
Pictures of Blocks 417.89 KB