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Street food superstars (Welsh)
Produced in the Welsh Language, this resource is linked to Farmvention, produced by the National Farmers Union (NFU). This resource provides a series of three activities based around teaching of healthy eating, including: balanced diets, reducing food waste, packaging and supply. Designed to make children think about the day to day issues faced by farmers, each resource has been created in partnership with the Association of Science Education (ASE). These activities include:
- Exploring all elements of a healthy, balanced diet and learning about a variety of street food products
- Exploring where our food comes from and why British and local produce is important
- Investigating a range of food packaging, including: plastic, recycled and edible
- Planning their own low waste, healthy street food menu
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Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. This means that procedures reflect general practice and standards applicable at the time resources were produced and cannot be assumed to be acceptable today. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Teacher guidance 233.22 KB
Research task 173.92 KB
Product development template 429.01 KB
Stage 1 - Healthy street food 11.42 MB
Stage 2 - Product development 14.68 MB
Stage 3 - Marketing 5.87 MB
Recipe - Italian pepper 178.22 KB
Recipe - Mexican pepper 178 KB