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Skill 3.3 Deeper Into an Article at 'Second Glance'
This activity, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, enables students to develop their ability to gain a more detailed sense of the structure and subject matter of a scientific article. After completing the exercise, students should be able to: * locate the themes and keywords within an article * summarise the themes of an article * use these skills to make judgements about the value of an article based on browsing.
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Skill 3.3 (teachers' notes) 169.1 KB
Activity 3.3 (Word) 163.82 KB
Activity 3.3 (PDF) 586.05 KB
Diabetes article 247.91 KB
Mendeleev article 5.08 MB
Activity 3.3 (physics) 1.9 MB
Video camera as IR detector 1.38 MB
Physics weblinks 20.83 KB
Activity 3.3 science in society 194.5 KB
Bovine tuberculosis article 278.08 KB
Skill area 3 (teachers' guide) 172.95 KB