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Skill 3.2 Information from an Article at 'First Glance'
Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity enables students to learn about the basic structure and style of scientific articles. Students first test their ability to extract key information from informal or popular science articles. Initially, these are more accessible than research papers. Students are able to practice: * applying techniques for browsing scientific articles * extracting key information which can be used to ascertain the value of an article * considering the structure of written articles.
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Skill 3.2 (teachers' notes) 160.36 KB
Activity 3.2 general 160.78 KB
Activity 3.2 (biology) 2.69 MB
Diabetes article 247.91 KB
Mendeleev article 5.08 MB
Activity 3.2 (physics) 517.14 KB
Electrical safety article 460.4 KB
Malaria vaccine article 1.02 MB
Skill area 3 (teachers' guide) 172.95 KB