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Skill 3.1 Skim Reading a Series of Articles
Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, the aim of this activity is to set the scene for subsequent activities in this skill area. A series of brief articles is presented to the students who complete individual or group exercises to explore and develop their approach to reading text. The activity helps students to develop the skills needed to skim read articles and identify those worth reading or following up in more detail. In class, this focuses on paper-based materials and these can be followed up with an online homework activity.
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Skill 3.1 (teachers' notes) 174.3 KB
Activity 3.1 briefing 161.56 KB
Activity 3.1 (biology and chemistry) 321.6 KB
Activity 3.1 (physics) 150.97 KB
Activity 3.1 science in society 227.5 KB
Skill area 3 (teachers' guide) 172.95 KB