- View more resources from this publisherPlanet Earth Online
- View more resources from this publisherNatural Environment Research Council - UKRI
Splitting Earth, Space Weather and Robotic Dolphins
In this podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Sue Nelson hears about the birth of an ocean in the Afar depression in the Horn of Africa. The continental crust is being ripped apart at a phenomenal rate – one metre every year over the last five years. In the not too distant future – well, not too distant in geological terms – we may see a new ocean in that region of Africa. That is if we're still around in ten million years' time. In another report, Richard Hollingham goes to Edinburgh to find out about the damage our nearest star wreaks on our planet during its unruly phases. Later in the recording, Sue hears about 'mechanical dolphins' in Antarctica, while Richard gives us a preview of the gruelling training he had to endure recently in preparation for a scientific expedition to the Arctic. This podcast is dated 21 June 2010. NERC is a part of the Research Councils UK (RCUK) partnership of research councils.
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