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Metals and Alloys
This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes applications of chemistry.
There are four parts to this book:
*Part 1: Extraction of metals
The extraction of aluminium, copper and iron. Steelmaking by the Bessemer and Open Hearth methods.
*Part 2: The structure of metals
The three main ways that atoms pack together in metal structures, the role of dislocations in the deformation of metals as well as alloying and the measurement of metal properties such as strength and hardness.
*Part 3: Alloys
Phase diagrams for alloys, photomicrographs of crystals in alloys, and an account of some alloys of copper, zinc, nickel, beryllium, tin, aluminium and iron.
*Part 4: Some other metals
An account of uses of other metals including titanium, beryllium, zirconium and uranium.
This book was published in 1968. Much of the book is out of date especially the accounts of metal extraction. The section on the structure of metals goes well beyond the requirements of post-16 advanced courses in chemistry.
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