Energy Balance - Where does energy come from and how much fossil fuels has the world got left?
A suite of videos, part narrated by a child, suitable for all ages, covering in simple terms what energy is, what it does, what we use it for, and how certain fuels such as oil, gas, coal are limited in quantity and how much of them is left. Will go on to discuss other energy sources.
Beautifully illustrated with hand drawn cartoons and images, home produced.
Shared with all freely courtesy of Assosiate Professor Phil Dale of Luxembourg University. Note the video series is still under production, 3 published so far, more to go!
Energy Balance - Where does energy come from?
Rose and I explore different examples of energy, and discuss three different sources of energy. These are electricity, gas, and liquid fuels such as petrol and diesel
Energy Balance - Our energy comes from the sun?
Rose and I discuss that all our energy actually comes from the sun. Oil, gas, and coal are coming from dead plants, trees, and animals, which grew only because the sun exists.
Energy Balance - When will we run out of fossil fuel Part 1
In this video Rose and I discuss that oil, gas, and coal (fossil fuels) are a limited resource, meaning they will eventually run out. This video is the first of two, where we show you how to roughly estimate when we, as a planet, will run out of fossil fuel. In the next video we will actually make the estimates.