This list consists of lesson plans, activities and ideas to support the teaching of science through the topic of Explorers. It contains ideas for how to link science to the topic, tips on using the resources, suggestions for further use and background subject knowledge to support teachers in delivering the science objectives through this topic. Resources support the teaching of the science topics light, Earth in Space, living things and their habitats, animals including humans, light, evolution and inheritance and forces. This enables teachers to choose which aspect of science they would like to teach within the overarching topic.
Visit the primary resources for cross curricular topics webpage to access all resource lists:
KS1/2 Antarctica: Teachers in the Freezer
This video could be used to support the teaching of evolution, focussing particularly on adaptation. Children could be asked to imagine that the group of teachers shown in the video lived in Anarctica for millions of years. What adaptations might the humans evolve eventually? Some animals are shown in the clip, which also allows discussion about adaptation.
This video could also be used to support the teaching of Animals Including Humans, focussing on what impact lifestyle has on humans. Children could research the effects of extreme cold on humans, as well as what diet people need to have in Antarctica.
There is also some discussion about the landing of a plane on ice, along with how the teachers get around on skis. This would support the teaching of friction. Children could investigate what could be done to slow the landing of the plane. The windy conditions are referred to in the video clip, and children could investigate air resistance, making parachutes that could be used in such conditions.
When learning about light travelling in straight lines and reflecting off surfaces, children often find it difficult to apply their knowledge. Making a periscope is an excellent way of putting their theoretical knowledge into practice.
Ocean explorers often use periscopes; they have even been used in space exploration too!
You may need to show children images of periscopes on a submarine so that they understand the concept. Children will also need some time playing with mirrors so that they can see that mirrors help them to see around corners.
Margaret Fountaine
Margaret Fountaine spent most of her adult life exploring the world in pursuit of butterflies. Researching Fountaine as part of the 'Living Things and their Habitats' unit in Year 6 offers an excellent opportunity to study a female scientist from the past.
Children could use guides from the Field Studies Council or the Woodland Trust to identify species of butterfly in their local area and create a branching database to help others to identify them.
Polar Extremes
This interactive resource from the British Anrtarctic Survey allows children to explore the rotation of the earth and to understand why one pole is colder than the other.
Children could use this resource as part of their learning about the earth's rotation and seasons. Many children and adults believe that it is warmer in the summer because the earth is closer to the sun at this time of year. This resource could be used to help address this misconception.