Y4 Electricity
Circuit Clowns
Create a circuit to make a clown's nose light up. Could use thick card and fold, or link to DT and use wood as suggested.
How Electricity is Used
2.26 min
Teacher's TV
Video great as a starter to show how electricity is used. It covers:
- Lighting
- Heating
- Generating Movement
- Computers
- Cooking
Electricity: it's electric
Hamilton Trust resouce prior to the 2014 National Curriculum for LKS2. New planning is available from the web-link in list.
Hamilton Trust resouce prior to the 2014 National Curriculum for UKS2. New planning is available from the web-link in list.
The Apprentice Electrician
An example lesson where the children work towards earning a Young Apprentice Electrician Certificate for designing and making a burglar alarm.
Old resource but nice ideas like wiggly leg game.