Manipulatives in Maths
This list contains activity ideas, videos and further information about the use of manipulatives in primary mathematics.
Idea Book for Cuisenaire® Rods
A selection of five activity ideas from Idea Book for Cuisenaire® Rods, which uses Cuisenaire® Rods to teach skills and concepts in mathematics. The resources include activities which help to develop knowledge and understanding and key skills in the areas of finding patterns, logical thinking, fractions, addition and subtraction.
Manipulatives in the Primary Classroom
In Ofsted’s 2012 report ‘Made to Measure’ it was suggested that although manipulatives are used in some primary schools to support teaching and learning they are not used as effectively or as widely as they might be.
This article from NRICH explores some research into their use and offers suggestions on how manipulatives may be used to to develop children’s mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. It also links to related activities from the NRICH website.
Primary Progression in Multiplication Videos
This suite of videos, from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), looks at elements of progression in multiplication across the primary school. It shows short clips of lessons in which teachers develop understanding of multiplication through various means including the use of manipulatives.
Compare Bears Maths - Book 1
Designed for use in conjunction with the Compare Bears. The activities and games are designed to develope basic mathematical understanding, skills and vocabulary. It includes activities on: sorting, matching, counting, patterns, weight, area, height, odd and even numbers, grids, money and probability. Starting with numbers 1 to 5, there is then a slow progression up to 10 as some children need more practice than others in order to understand and memorise numbers.
Gattegno Chart
The Gattegno Chart is a simple tool to help children appreciate the patterns in our counting structure. For example, the identical pattern evident when counting in 1’s, 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s... or greater.
The resource includes three Gattegno Charts:two of which feature 1, 10, 100, 1000 numbers and one which extends the idea to include numbers to two decimal places: 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000.
You will need to sign in to access this resource but there are many other great activities here.