Climate Dectectives Kids - supporting resources

The ESA Climate Dectectives Kids is a schools challenge, where teams of pupils up to 12 years old complete activities to earn badges. This collection of resources shows the activities you can complete to earn Climate Detectives Kids badges. 

Find out more about the competition here.



Showing 10 result(s)

Earth under the lid - Understanding the greenhouse effect

In this set of two activities, pupils will learn what the greenhouse effect and greenhouses gases are and the positive and negative consequences of these on the atmosphere. Pupils will be given the opportunity to build a model and perform temperature measurements to enhance their understanding of the greenhouse...

The ice is melting

In this set of four activities from the European Space Agency, students explore the impacts of global warming and melting ice on the Earth. They learn the difference between land ice and sea ice, and will investigate the respective effects of these melting. They then design their own experiment to examine how...

One year on Earth - Understanding seasons

In this set of two activities, pupils will develop their understanding of seasons and the basic mechanism behind the different seasons on Earth. Pupils will learn that trees look different at different times of the year due to seasons, that seasonal changes can be seen from space and how to analyse images and...

Weather vs. climate

In this set of activities, children learn the difference between weather and climate. They identify different climatic zones and collect their own weather data. They analyse and compare daily and monthly air temperature measurements. Finally, they  learn about different climate scenarios and identify what it means...
