Festival of Archaeology - 19th July to 3rd August 2025

The Council for British Archaeology's Festival of Archaeology is the UK's biggest annual celebration of archaeology.

Suitable for both primary and secondary-aged pupils, explore how scientific skills and knowledge, such as chemical analysis of residues in artefacts, can be used to find out how people lived in the past. The resources also demonstrate how processes for conserving and interpreting artefacts can emerge from scientific research and collaboration across many disciplines, from science, history, archaeology and art.



Showing 7 result(s)

The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (@BlackSeaMAP) was a three-year interdisciplinary expedition researching ancient coastlines and seafaring history of the Bulgarian Black Sea and included the discovery of the world’s oldest, intact shipwreck. It sought to...

Molecules From the Past *suitable for home teaching*

A Catalyst article looking at how modern archaeology uses analytical chemical techniques to answer questions about ancient civilisations and animals. Scientists working at the University of Bristol match compounds present in archaeological materials to those in modern plants and animals which were likely to have...


These eighteen assignments and a teachers' guide, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) aim to encourage non-scientists to embrace a little science. The aim is to increase student's skills whilst quashing a few "science is boring" stereotypes. All assignments have been written to cover a variety of non-...

Down on the Farm, 10 000 Years Ago

This Catalyst article looks at how people lived in the past, archaeologists look at the items (artefacts) these cultures left behind. Using chemical analysis of residues in the artefacts an enormous amount of additional information can be gleaned. This article investigates early dairy farming. Analysis of tiny...
