National Apprenticeship week - 10th to 14th February 2025

The resources in this collection can provide both STEM teachers and careers' advisors with support to introduce pupils aged 11 to 19 to apprenticeship opportunities during the government's National Apprenticeship week.

The collection includes guidance from STEM related industries such as construction and the motor industry on how apprenticeships work and how to find out more information.  In addition, there are many case studies, some of which include video clips, of individuals who have followed a variety of careers from science technician to stage engineers.



Showing 17 result(s)

This is Engineering: flight perfector

This resource is an interview with Bethan - a flight perfector.

"Bethan is 25 years old and grew up in Manchester. She left home at 19 to start an engineering degree apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce in Derby. She then became a Production Manager, responsible for the team that strips down and rebuilds...

Manufacturing engineer: Rolls-Royce

Craig manufactures the components that go in Rolls-Royce’s powerful jet engines. He learned his trade on an apprenticeship, which he says was the ideal way to pick up the hands-on skills he uses in his job now.

Luke - mechanical CNC technician

Luke initially intended to become a carpenter before realising his interest in...

This is Engineering: walk wizard

This resource is an interview with Alan - a walk wizard.

"Alan, from Newcastle, didn’t want to sit in a classroom or behind a computer. He likes working with his...
