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Year 6 ACCEL Rolls-Royce
These resources have been created for Year 6 pupils in line with the LKS2 science, maths, computing, art and design technology curriculum.
Year 6 Activity Overview
Rolls Royce has produced this series of practical STEAM activities for Year 5 pupils. Within the collection there is an art and design, engineering, maths, science and technology activity which can be used to enhance existing pupil knowledge or to teach a key area of the UKS2 Science, Maths, Design Technology or...
M C Escher
This art activity explores a brief history of the artist M C Escher and gives pupils the opportunity to create their own flying themed tessellating template. They will then be able to use the templates they create to produce a tessellating pattern. This resource is part of a series of resources produced by Rolls...
Movement, Micro bits and Light
This STEAM activity allows pupils to design and build a moving model based on ‘The Spirit of Innovation Project’. Pupils will use their understanding of circuits to build their plane with at least one moving part and functioning lights and buzzers. This resource is part of a series of resources produced by Rolls...
The Cost of Speed
This maths activity gives pupils the opportunity to learn about the connection between air speed and weight and apply this knowledge to designing and making a paper plane. Pupils will apply their maths skills of data collection and measurement to record the test flights and reflect on the most successful plane....