Key stage three Siemens resources
The story of the Siemens brothers, and their involvement in the invention and development of innovative and ground breaking technology, provides the stimulus for this set of resources designed for KS3 learners. The resources include:
- interactive games and supporting teaching activities and worksheets
- lesson plans and activities for the topics of the ear, sound and its uses, low energy light bulbs and the importance of fresh water
- three of the 'Six for Six' modules series of complimentary resources including different activities using real-world examples of technology, engineering and manufacturing.
The 'Six for Six' modules feature videos, films and challenging competitive tasks most suitable for longer term projects or a STEM Club setting. Comprehensive teacher notes with links to additional learning opportunities and events associated with STEM learning frameworks and calendar are included alongside detailed curated lesson plans and worksheets.
Two of the modules focus upon how the energy and power we generate shape the way we live now and how it can alter the way we live in the future. The third resource focuses on existing and future transportation systems.
Topics covered:
Module 3: Energy for thrills – analysing the concept of energy transfer can enable us to understand how everything from roller coasters to double decker buses operate.
Module 4: Power to the people – considers how the quality of our lives depends upon a reliable and cheap supply of energy and how this can be achieved without damaging the environment.
Module 5: Getting around – examines transport systems and how essential they are to modern life but the careful planning and operation required for them to be fit for purpose.
Green Cities Air Quality Management Game
This resource produced by Siemens introduces students to the impacts that population size and pollution have upon air quality. A series of worksheets allow students to identify equipment used to measure different types of weather activity and construct a population pyramid for a fictional "Green City". They analyse...
Ingenious engineering app
This lesson from Siemens uses an app to inform students about new technologies and the impact of automation, digitalisation, and electrification on individuals, society and the environment. It is intended to address the 'evaluate' strand of the...
Now Hear This (11-14)
This resource from Siemens looks at how the ear works and how sounds are converted into nervous impulses. The activities aim to develop student’s understanding of the concept of loudness and the decibel. A signal generator is used to compare loudness to frequency and to demonstrate how sound is represented in waves...
Picture This (11-14)
This resource from Siemens encourages students to think about medical diagnosis and how information can assist the doctor in being effective and accurate. Students are asked to suggest ideas about the characteristics of a useful image to support a medical diagnosis. They then look at the properties of sound, how...