Maths worksheets for D&T
This collection of resources provides ideas and activities to engage students in the maths content included in GCSE Design and Technology. The resources could be used in secondary or GCSE lessons, depending on the students' abilities. All resources provided by Helen Dunn, Parkside School.
Measuring and scale in food preparation
These worksheets challenge students to accurately measure weight and liquid in a food preparation environment. They look at the importance of accuracy when preparing food, conversion between different forms of measurement and scaling up portion sizes for different meals.
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Using graphs in design and technology
These resources challenge students to become more familiar with graphical data in a design and technology context:
- Venn diagrams: students are asked to complete the Venn diagram as a product analysis exercise for headphone wraps.
- Pie chart: students are asked...
Using maths to support designing
These activities support students to use maths skills when designing new products. The first activity uses a tangram to help students create new product shapes, the second uses the SCAMPER strategy to help students alter the shape of their design idea using reflection, tessalation, scale and proportion.