This collection, produced by MathsBox, contains a wide selection of resources for use in the mathematics classroom with a wide range of abilities and ages. The resources can be used as starter activities, for consolidation work and revision. There are a number of ideas such as treasure hunts, maths loops, bingo games and graded assessments.
Graph Detectives
In this activity, groups of students are given the list of functions contained in the matching cards file and given time to work out what the graph of each function will look like. Some graphs will need to be plotted, others can be sketched. The functions are a mix of quadratics, cubics and reciprocals. The posters...
Each numbered card contains a question on the given topic and an answer to a question contained on a different card. Students are required to answer the question and then find the card containing their answer. The question on this next card is then answered. The process continues until the student returns to their...
Number-up sheets contain a sheet of 40 questions designed as practice of basic skills. Students complete the questions, record how long the exercise took and their score once marked. A1 requires students to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using single digits. J1 uses a mixture of one and...
This activity supplies students with a grid of numbers and a series of questions. The answers to the questions are located somewhere in the grid. Once found, students shade in the answer. When complete there will be some answers unused. These are added to gain the target number. Number bonds to ten requires...