Space themed chemistry activities

These We Are Aliens! related chemistry activities for the class room, have been devised by devised by Steve Althorpe and Judith Green. The resources include games, practical activities and worksheets. Supporting videos demonstrate the activities. The following curriculum areas are covered:

  • depression of melting point
  • data analysis
  • chemical Formulae
  • bonding and molecular shape
  • carbon cycle
  • experimental design
  • reaction rates
  • collision theory
  • activation enthalpy
  • equilibria and Le Chatelier’s principle
  • qualitative analysis
  • inorganic formulae
  • acid base titration
  • oxidation states and redox reactions

Activity sheets can be accessed by clicking on each resource.



Showing 4 result(s)

Life in the freezer

If there is life elsewhere in our solar system it’s likely to live in a pretty cold environment. In this resource, students investigate the effect of antifreeze on the freezing point of water and how it can allow fragile cells to survive extreme cold. In the video, Judith Green explains how students can plan an...

Molecules of life

This resource includes a suite of games designed to promote thinking, learning and understanding as well as being enjoyable and engaging. They are all based around molecules that play key roles in life on Earth.

In the ...

Rates of reaction and activation enthalpy

High levels of ultraviolet radiation out in space drive reactions that can turn white beads into their coloured form. Students investigate how temperature affects the rate at which the beads turn back to white. At key stage five, students can use the results sheet template to find the activation enthalpy. In the...

Ice cores

In this practical activity students analyse ice cores extracted from the icy worlds of Enceladus or Europa. This resource provides information about Enceladus and worksheets for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In the video, Steve Althorpe explains how ice cores containing minerals can be made and then...