This collection of STEM educational reports, produced by a number of organisations, concern the teaching and learning of science. The reports include:

*Physics in schools IV: supply and retention of teachers - This report looks at specialist physics teacher supply and retention in English schools.

*Physics in schools III: bucking the trend - This report sets out to identify how some schools are increasing participation in Post-16 physics whilst the general trend is for a seemingly inexorable decline in physics education.

*Physics in schools and colleges: teacher deployment and student outcomes - This report looks at the deployment of teachers and its impact on student outcomes.

*Science education in schools: issues, evidence and proposals - This report looks at issues around improving science education in schools.

* Big Picture teaching resource: Reviewing how teachers, educationalists and young people access and use classroom resources - This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, evaluates Big Picture, its free publication on bioscience, and explored ways in which it could be developed.

*The teaching of social and ethical issues in the school curriculum, arising from developments in biomedical research: a research study of teachers.

*Primary science survey report - This report presents the findings of an online survey during July 2011 for The Wellcome Trust.

*Primary science in the UK: a scoping study - This report seeks to establish an overview of the current status of primary science in the UK with particular reference to strengths and weaknesses in specific focus areas.


