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Practical Action: food
Teaching resources linking to issues around food and global food security. Based on Practical Action projects in the developing world. Suitable for ages 7-16.
Food provenance
This resource supports teachers to deliver the Food Provenance unit within the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE. The material is suitable for all awarding body requirements and is presented in a Power Point presentation and student activity sheet.
The resource looks at the meaning of food provenance, and...
Floating Garden STEM challenge
This challenge, from Practical Action, requires students to design and build a model structure that will enable farmers to grow crops even in an area that may become flooded. A floating garden, built on a base of aquatic weeds, is a low cost and sustainable way of allowing people to grow vegetables. The resource...
Food and Sustainability
These resources cover themes of food sustainability and security. Included are technical briefs which focus on low cost approaches related to food production and preservation. Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely...
Food for thought challenge
From Practical Action, in this activity students design and make a product using local and/or organic ingredients. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of the design and make process, write a design specification and produce a step-by-step plan for making a product. Further resources are available from...