The videos in this collection from Teachers TV are aimed at secondary school science practitioners. They provide great lesson ideas for a range of topics, including:

* using demonstrations in biology, chemistry and physics
* dataloggers and ICT to help students understand processes
* forces, movement and energy
* evolution and natural selection
* waves and radiation
* how science works



Showing 35 result(s)

Teaching the KS3/4 Snack Bar Lesson

This Teachers TV video shows science teacher Shugufta Bargir using the programmes Snack Bar and What’s in Your Food? in a Key Stage Three science lesson on junk food, followed by an analysis of the lesson by science education expert Matthew Tosh. The Junk Food Science...

The Bloodhound SSC Project

This Teachers TV programme looks at how the Bloodhound Project is inspiring Key Stage Three students to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Annie Beresford, an engineer from Bloodhound, comes to Bayhouse School to learn about the projects the school has set up based around the land...

Learning Outside the Classroom

Part of the Great Lesson Ideas series, this Teachers TV video looks at how secondary science topics can be taught away from the classroom. It shows at ideas for three great day visits.

These include:

• The Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station, in Cornwall, to learn about satellites, space and...
