These publications were produced as part of the Technology Enhancement Programme (TEP). TEP materials do not prescribe what should be taught, or how. TEP has absolute confidence in the professional judgement of teachers to selectively copy or edit the materials as they believe appropriate. These resources are freely photocopiable for teachers to use in their classroom. Each book in this collection contains project outlines or narratives which follow a similar structure:

  • overall subject content
  • design brief
  • specification
  • design constraints
  • guide to design and manufacturing
  • evaluation

These project elements are in the hands of the teacher who might, for example, want to set a very specific content, an alternative design brief, or limit (or widen) the resources available.



Showing 19 result(s)

Electronics 14 to 16

This textbook from the Technology Enhancement Programme (TEP) is intended to introduce students to making electronic devices and systems. It looks at important electronic components and how they can be put together to perform useful tasks. How to design and make electronic circuits is aided by descriptions of how...

Electronics Post-16

Produced by the Technology Enhancement Programme (TEP), this book introduces the world of electronics by looking at some important electronic components and how they can be put together to perform useful tasks. Projects in designing and making electronic circuits are included. Products that are set as design and...

Control Post-16

These materials, produced by the Technology Enhancement Programme (TEP) look at the development of control systems with the advent of microelectronics. Complex control systems can now be found in even the most common of consumer devices. A series of study units looks at different aspects of control. They have...

Manufacturing Post-16

This publication, from the Technology Enhancement Programme (TEP), helps students to understand the manufacturing process through a series of design challenges. Each has a specific brief and the topics include:

  • Designing and making a helping hand
  • Robotics: designing and making a walking robot...
