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Catalyst Volume 14 Issue 1
Articles in this issue of Catalyst include:
This article explores the structure of DNA and how it is copied across generations.
When Dolly the sheep was born in 1996, the scientists who created her claimed she was a ‘clone’ from a female adult sheep. To prove this claim, genetic profiling or fingerprinting was done by another, independent group of scientists. This article explores how this was done and what other uses the technique has.
This article investigates the benefits of X-rays and how they have played a major part in discovering the structure of DNA.
Many reactions take place in solution. Water is a familiar solvent but there are many others, including a rather surprising one - carbon dioxide - which is a non-polluting ‘green’ solvent.
2003 saw a double anniversary in the hunt for an explanation of inheritance. The role of chromosomes was announced in 1903 and the structure of DNA was revealed in 1953.
Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Annual subscriptions to print copies of the magazine can be purchased from Mindsets.
Discovering DNA
This Catalyst article explains the code structure of DNA and looks into how it is copied across generations.
This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1.
Catalyst is a science magazine for students...
DNA Fingerprinting
A Catalyst article about Dolly the sheep which was born in 1996. The scientists who created her claimed she was a ‘clone’ from a female adult sheep. To prove this claim, genetic profiling or fingerprinting was done by another, independent group of scientists. The article explores how this was done and what other...
X-rays at Work
A Catalyst article about X-rays. The medical profession does its best to avoid X-raying young people, but sometimes the benefits outweigh the hazards. The benefits go beyond discovering broken bones; X-rays have played a major part in discovering the structure of DNA. The article looks at the history of X-rays, how...
Green Solutions
A Catalyst article about green chemistry. Many reactions take place in solution. Water is a familiar solvent but there are many others, including a rather surprising one, carbon dioxide, which is a non-polluting ‘green’ solvent. The chemical industry relies on solvents to produce many everyday products, such as:...