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Catalyst Volume 19 Issue 2
This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:
In the Pink: Colour from Carotenes
This article explains how pigments pass along a food chain through a process called bioamplification.
The article draws on the use of smart materials to help people with dementia live at home.
The article looks at testing implausible scientific claims in product advertising.
Aeroplanes, Shampoo and Super-Microscopes
Using the ISIS accelerator, which uses neutrons, to study the structures of materials at an atomic level is the main subject of this article.
Stephen Kill, Science Photographer
The article introduces Stephen Kill, a science photographer working in a scientific lab.
The article compares mobile phones and UV sunbeds for non-ionising radiation.
The article draws on the issue of deciding right from wrong in biology.
Extracting Iron from Cornflakes
An experiment with breakfast cereal is the main focus of this article.
This article investigates how it is possible to track a hurricane from space.
Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Annual subscriptions to print copies of the magazine can be purchased from Mindsets.
The Ethical Maze
A Catalyst article about deciding right from wrong in biology. Modern science raises many ethical questions. How these questions can be answered either ethically or by coming to a personal decision is discussed. How ethical frameworks can be used to address ethical questions is applied to the case of genetically...
Extracting Iron from Cornflakes
This Catalyst article takes the form of a practical activity. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with iron and it is possible to extract this from the cereal by following the instructions in the article.
This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2008, Volume 19, Issue 2.
Tracking Ike
This Catalyst article presents a series of photographs from NASA Satellites tracking Hurricane Ike from space.
This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2008, Volume 19, Issue 2.
Catalyst is a science magazine for students...
Catalyst Volume 19 Issue 2: Full Magazine
This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles: