Teaching Advanced Physics: Atoms and Nuclei

From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each episode represents a coherent section of teaching, that takes typically one or two lessons to complete.

The topics covered are:

* Quantum physics
* Lasers
* Wave-particle duality
* Radioactivity
* Accelerators and detectors
* Nuclear stability
* Fission
* X-ray and neutron diffraction
* Rutherford's scattering experiment
* The standard model
* Particles, antiparticles and quarks
* Feynman diagrams



Showing 41 result(s)

Episode 530: X- ray Diffraction

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, uses laser light to demonstrate the phenomenon of diffraction and then applies this understanding to x-rays, Bragg's law and crystallography.

The activities in this episode look at:
• students’ knowledge of X-rays
• diffraction and the limits...

Episode 531: Neutron Diffraction

Through discussion and a worked example, these activities from the Institute of Physics, help students to look at neutron diffraction. Students calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron and see the sources and uses of neutrons.

In a worked example, using the de Broglie equation, students consider the...

Episode 532: Preparation for Particle Physics Topic

This topic, from the Institute of Physics, help students to gain an understanding of the different sub-atomic particles. They also develop ideas around antiparticles, interactions and the development of the standard model.

There are four learning episodes in this topic:


Episode 533: The Particle Zoo

Protons, neutrons and electrons are familiar particles of matter. However, students are also likely to have heard of other particles. This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, introduces some of the other sub-atomic particles.

The activities in this episode include:
* establishing students...
