Teaching Advanced Physics: Atoms and Nuclei

From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each episode represents a coherent section of teaching, that takes typically one or two lessons to complete.

The topics covered are:

* Quantum physics
* Lasers
* Wave-particle duality
* Radioactivity
* Accelerators and detectors
* Nuclear stability
* Fission
* X-ray and neutron diffraction
* Rutherford's scattering experiment
* The standard model
* Particles, antiparticles and quarks
* Feynman diagrams



Showing 41 result(s)

Episode 522: The Size of the Nucleus

Starting from Rutherford's electron scattering experiment, these activities from the Institute of Physics, encourage students to consider experimental evidence for the size of the nucleus. Students look at alpha particle scattering and distance of closest approach. The learning episode examines:
* worked...

Episode 523: Preparation for Nuclear Stability Topic

Produced by the Institute of Physics, the learning episodes in this topic prompt students to consider why some nuclides are stable while others are unstable or radioactive. Starting from the pattern of stability, this section looks at forces in the nucleus and the idea of binding energy.

There are two...

Episode 524: Stable Nuclides

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, looks at the pattern of nuclide stability using a spreadsheet to produce an N-Z plot. Students then consider the need for an additional, attractive force to hold the nucleus together.

The activities in this learning episode look at:
* which stable...

Episode 525: Binding Energy

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode contains worked examples and ideas for discussion that allow students to examine binding energy and perform data analysis to calculate the binding energy for a number of nuclides.

The activities include:
* discussion to introduce mass defect...
