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Teaching Advanced Physics: Atoms and Nuclei
From the Institute of Physics, these resources are split into topics and each topic is subdivided into a number of learning episodes. Each episode represents a coherent section of teaching, that takes typically one or two lessons to complete.
The topics covered are:
* Quantum physics
* Lasers
* Wave-particle duality
* Radioactivity
* Accelerators and detectors
* Nuclear stability
* Fission
* X-ray and neutron diffraction
* Rutherford's scattering experiment
* The standard model
* Particles, antiparticles and quarks
* Feynman diagrams
Episode 505: Preparation for Wave-particle Duality Topic
Produced by the Institute of Physics, this topic explores the wave-particle nature of matter. As with quantum theory, this is a topic that students are likely to find completely new. They are unlikely to have already met the wave nature of particles or the wave nature of electrons bound within atoms.
Episode 506: Particles as Waves *suitable for home teaching*
Through demonstrations, discussions and worked examples, students are introduced to the phenomenon of wave-particle duality. Students learn that electrons, which are often thought of as particles, can sometimes behave as waves.
...Episode 507: Electron Standing Waves
This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, looks at Melde's experiment. It uses the analogy of a standing wave in a stretched elastic cord before going on to introduce the idea of standing waves within an atom.
The activities include:
* Melde’s experiment
* electron waves in atoms...
Episode 513: Preparation for the Exponential Decay Topic
From the Institute of Physics, these activities are not concerned with the products of radioactive decay but look at the random, spontaneous nature of radioactive decay and its consequences. The topic contains a series of learning episodes, each of which is a unit that lasts typically one or two lessons.